How To Apply For Italian Dual Citizenship in Italy as a US Citizen: Jure Sanguinis

How To Apply For Italian Dual Citizenship in Italy as a US Citizen: Jure Sanguinis

I’ve been there and done that! I know how hard it is to go through the process of acquiring your Italian dual citizenship, especially the DIY way. It is a long and, at times, stressful process – but you’re not alone! If you are a US citizen you can apply for Italian dual citizenship via two routes – through your local Italian consulate or through a comune (town) in Italy! In this guide, I’m sharing all the steps it took and extra tips when it comes to applying for dual citizenship in Italy.

I am creating this guide simply because there was no one like it anywhere when I DIYed my own Italian dual citizenship, especially in reference to the process of applying in Italy.

This guide covers the steps and tips for applying for dual citizenship in Italy the Jure Sanguinis or “by descent” way. This means you are a descendant of an Italian citizen and that’s how you plan to acquire Italian dual citizenship.

The first few steps can be applied to anyone thinking about obtaining dual citizenship, even if you don’t want to apply in Italy.

And for those planning to continue their residency after receiving dual citizenship, check out my post on being an expat in Italy.

You’re about to be hit with tons of information to be unpacked – seriously, this is the longest post I’ve ever written – but I hope it makes clear some of the ambiguous parts of the process!

My Personal Experience

Firstly, I’d like to let you know that the information in this post is based on personal experience and research. I want to share my experience and what I know to help you navigate this tough process!

Throughout this post, I’ll add blurbs of what happened to me during my process. This way, if you run into the same problems, you can see how I navigated through them.

Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer or citizenship professional. I’ve included many links coming directly from Italian comune and laws, but this post is more about informing how the process went from my experience and what you can expect to have to do.

Hopefully, I can show you that it’s possible to apply for Italian dual citizenship without hiring a crazy expensive citizenship assistance program or agency to do it for you.

I am a descendant of two Italian-born grandparents on my mother’s side. I first heard about acquiring dual Italian citizenship the first time I went to Italy to study abroad in 2018. After that summer, I came back home and began acquiring documents.

June 25th, 2021, I officially became an Italian citizen!

As you can see, the process can be a long one. It can be even longer if you choose to apply in an Italian Consulate versus in Italy, so let’s look at the pros and cons of both.

Applying in Italy vs. the Consulate of Italy in the USA

Before discussing all the steps you have to take, I wanted to cover the two ways you can apply for Italian dual citizenship. The first option, and the more straightforward one, is to apply at your local Italian Consulate in the US.

The second option is to apply through a comune, or town, in Italy.

I’m going to list potential pros and cons of both options. The pros and cons are subjective, so what may be a con to you might not be for others. These are just some of the most important factors when determining what application option is best for you.

Applying through the Consulate

First, you’ll have to research what consulate presides over the state you reside in, as you can only apply at that consulate. For example, I lived in Florida and could only apply at the Miami consulate, even if there was an appointment at the Chicago consulate available sooner.

The second step is to go to the “Cittadinanza” or citizenship page on your consulate’s website. Find the section that applies to your Italian lineage – whether that’s your mother, paternal grandfather, maternal great-grandfather, etc. On this tab, you’ll find all of the information regarding documents required to prove your Italian heritage. I’ve linked the Consulate of Miami citizenship page because it has a very thorough description of what you need in each category.


  • Requirements and information are straightforward and easy to find on their websites.
  • You don’t have to move countries.
  • It can be a less expensive route (when you factor in the costs of having to live in Italy as part of the other option.)


  • Long wait times. It can take years to even get an appointment at the consulate, and they can still reject your petition for citizenship.

Applying in Italy

Since this entire post is about applying in Italy, I won’t go too in-depth about the steps you need to take in this section. That will be completely clear as you read on!

As an overview, here are some of the pros and cons of opting for applying for Italian dual citizenship in Italy:


  • You have the opportunity to live in Italy!
  • Shorter processing time. I received my citizenship within the period of my 90-day tourist visa – you can often walk into the comune the first week you arrive and get started with your application!


  • Italian bureaucracy can be confusing. Information is not laid out as straightforwardly as on consular websites. The process may not be common in all towns, so they may not know exactly how it works, causing delays.
  • Knowing the Italian language is not a requirement, but it will be more difficult if you don’t have at least basic knowledge or someone in Italy to help you.
  • It can be more expensive when you factor in travel and temporary (or permanent) moving costs.

You may look at those lists and think, well the cons for applying in Italy are more than applying in the US. But, the fact that you can receive your citizenship within months instead of waiting years just to secure an appointment is a massive draw to applying in Italy that potentially weighs out all of the cons. It did for me!

Figuring Out Eligibility for Dual Italian Citizenship

First, you have to determine if you qualify for dual Italian citizenship Jure Sanguinis. Again, all this information can be found at the Consulate website. They are the same exact requirements for eligibility even if you apply in Italy!

I always link the Consulate of Miami because their website has a very straightforward explanation of the eligibility requirements.

The main requirements are:

  • Your Italian ascendant was alive after March 17, 1861. This is the date of Italy’s unification.
  • Your Italian ascendant had to be an Italian citizen after 1912, according to Law no. 555, and at the time of your their child’s birth. For example, my grandfather did not naturalize as a US citizen before my mother’s birth – meaning the right to Italian citizenship passed on to my mother and then to me.
  • Your Italian ascendant and all others afterward never renounced Italian citizenship in front of an Italian authority.

Italian women did not begin to pass on citizenship until 1948. If your female Italian ancestor gave birth to her child before 1948, you may not have the right to Italian citizenship.

I personally didn’t fall under this category, commonly called a 1948 case, so I’ve linked some resources for those who this may apply to.

Gather Documents From the US & Italy

After determining you are eligible for Italian dual citizenship, you can start acquiring the documents needed to apply.

The process of requesting documents from the United States and Italy could be its own post – so that’s what I wrote!

For absolutely everything you need to know about requesting documents in the US for Italian dual citizenship, getting them apostilled, how to find a translator, and correcting discrepancies, plus how to order Italian documents, it’s all in my post on gathering Italian dual citizenship documents.

This post is more focused on the process of applying in Italy for dual citizenship, so I wanted to keep it relevant, not too long, yet still packed with helpful information.

Brief Overview

The documents you need will depend on how many generations you are going back to prove your right to Italian citizenship.

You’ll request US documents from Vital Records offices in the state in which the event occurred. All documents must be certified, long-form copies. The Certificate of Naturalization is the only document not issued by Vital Records offices, but I go in-depth on how to request the Certificate of Naturalization in the other post.

Requesting documents from Italy is a little less straightforward, so I really recommend jumping over to that post real quick to look at a document request template and see all the other things you’ll need to include in your request before you mail it.

All US documents need an apostille, which is a certification for use abroad. These are issued by the Secretary of State, not the Vital Records Office.

All documents in English must be translated into Italian, whether applying at the consulate or in Italy. The consulate does not require the Certificate of Naturalization or the apostilles to be translated, but some comuni in Italy will want everything translated, so double-check with the comune you apply through. For reference, I had every document translated, as recommended by my court-sworn translator.

Ensure there are no spelling or date discrepancies between documents and correct them if they are present.

Make the Travel Plans to Italy & Get In Touch with the Comune

Here’s where the fun, and also most stressful, part begins! The first step to applying for dual citizenship in Italy is to choose which comune you will apply in.

Choosing a Comune

You don’t have to apply in the same comune where your ancestors were born. The best advice for choosing which comune to apply through is to opt for a town that’s not too big or too small.

Big cities will know the process well, but it will most likely take more time for your application to move through the system and schedule appointments. Small, rural towns may not be familiar with the citizenship process at all, so it can be tedious and troublesome to attempt the process there.

A medium-sized town is therefore the way to go. If you can, get in touch with the Anagrafe office of the comune beforehand. The Ufficio di Anagrafe will be the office through which you apply for Italian dual citizenship, so speaking to them prior to arriving can already set you up for success. Make sure they are familiar with the process – this can be the most crucial part!

As a US citizen, you don’t need any special visa to enter Italy to do this process. You can enter as a tourist, which allows you to stay in Italy for a period of 90 days every 180 days (rolling.)

It’s likely that your citizenship process will take longer than 90 days to be finalized. In this case, you will apply for a special permit to stay – more on that towards the end of the post.

The important thing to receive as an American citizen is a stamp on your passport or “timbro.” This is essential for establishing residency, which is the next step.

Pro Tip: Carry all of your documents with you in your carry-on or personal item. Do not risk having the documents you’ve worked so hard to collect being lost in a checked bag!

Establish Residency

In order to apply for dual citizenship in Italy, you must become a resident of the comune you apply through. You will need three things to do this:

Declaration of Hospitality/Rental Contract

To be a resident, you have to have a place to live. If someone is hosting you, either friends or family, you can complete a Declaration of Hospitality with them. You’ll send this to the Ufficio Protocollo of your comune within 48 hours of your arrival in Italy.

If you are finding your own accommodation, you’ll have to submit a rental contract. You can use residences like Airbnbs, but you have to make sure you can use the stay as your address.

Timbro/Stamp on Your Passport

As a US citizen, you do not need to fill out a “Dichiarazione di Presenza.” The law allows you to show only the stamp on your passport as proof of the date you entered Italy. Include a copy of your passport (both the identification page and the page with your stamp on it) in your residency application.

The “Dichiarazione di Presenza” is for those entering Italy from the Schengen area. If you enter Italy from another Schengen country, even as a US citizen, you will fill this out and turn it into the Questura of your province within 8 days of your arrival.

Codice Fiscale

The Codice Fiscale is your tax code, acting as an identification number, which you need to apply for residency. You can apply for a Codice Fiscale as soon as you enter Italy.

You will fill out this form for the Agenzia dell’Entrate AA4/8. Then, you’ll send it to the Agenzia dell’Entrate of your province.

After you have these three things, you will fill out paperwork to establish residency to give to the comune. The application for residency can usually be found on your comune’s website or you can request it from the office.

I’ve attached examples from the Comune of Vigolana of both the Richiesta di Residenza and the Allegato (which tells you what else you need to in your application.)

A police officer will visit your residence within 45 days of petitioning for residency to verify where you live. Once your residency is verified, you can submit your documents to the comune and begin your citizenship application.

Personal Experience

My comune told me that I had to acquire a permesso di soggiorno in order to apply to be a resident.

However, all my personal research indicated that you can apply for dual citizenship on a tourist visa, and after you start your application is when you can acquire the special Permesso di Soggiorno in Attesa Cittadinanza, created specifically for those waiting for the results of their Jure Sanguinis dual citizenship application process.

Audra from Get Italian Citizenship helped me out of this situation and sent me this law, which states that Jure Sanguinis applicants do not need a permesso di soggiorno to apply for residency.

Start the Citizenship Application

Yay, you’re a resident! Now it’s time to hand over those all-important documents.

With your documents, you’ll hand in a form called the Istanza di Riconoscimento del Possesso dello Status Civitatis Italiano ai Cittadini Stranieri di Ceppo Italiano.

The Istanza di Riconoscimento will be given to you by the comune, but here is a sample one from the Comune di Vigonza.

You’ll have to turn it in with a marca da bollo, which is a little stamp that is basically a tax. You can go to any tabaccheria and purchase a marca da bollo. (Mine was 16 euros.)

Some comuni explain the process better on their website than others. Here are some links that helped guide me during my process (they are in Italian):

Cittadinanza Jure Sanguinis from Comune di San Remo

Città di Vigonza Jure Sanguinis

After handing in your papers, the comune should give you a Ricevuta dell’Avvio del Procedimento del Riconoscimento di Cittadinanza.

This document is a receipt that you started the application process. By Italian law, once you start the application process, you can apply for the Permesso di Soggiorno in Attesa Cittadinanza to stay in the country beyond 90 days (even if the outcome of your application ends up being that you’re denied citizenship.)

Personal Experience

The clerk at my comune would not release the Ricevuta dell’Avvio because they said there were problems with the documents. Even if there were problems (which they were incorrect about,) I was still entitled to have the Ricevuta dell’Avvio to apply for my permesso di soggiorno because I had started the process.

They told me the problems were: firstly, that my documents were not apostilled. I recommend to take pictures of every single document for this reason – I don’t know how she could say they were not apostilled when the apostille was literally attached to them. But, if you have pictures of the documents, you can easily prove your argument.

Secondly, they said my grandfather had renounced citizenship. In 1992, a law was passed stating that you can retain Italian citizenship when naturalizing as a US citizen. Before 1992, if you naturalized as a US citizen, then you automatically lost Italian citizenship. (In my case, he naturalized before 1992.)

However, the important thing is if their child was born before or after they naturalized. If they were born before they naturalized, this means the right to Italian citizenship passed on to their child and therefore to later generations (as long as those generations never renounced citizenship.) My mother was born before his naturalization, so the right passed on.

Eventually, after explaining this, they released the Ricevuta dell’Avvio and I was able to apply for the permesso di soggiorno.

You’ve been doing your research – so don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself! Lots of comune will not know everything about the process because it’s not a common practice to them. It may be awkward to essentially explain the laws to them. But it would be worse for them to close your case when their information is incorrect.

Apply for a Permesso di Soggiorno in Attesa Cittadinanza

Comune in Italy where you can apply for Italian dual citizenship

Once you’ve received the Ricevuta dell’Avvio, you can apply for your Permesso di Soggiorno in Attesa Cittadinanza, or permit to stay awaiting citizenship.

To apply for the permesso di soggiorno, you have to go to the post office and pick up the “yellow kit.” The kit is an envelope with pages to fill out your request.

You will fill out the Modulo 1 packet, using your Codice Fiscale and the information pages within the envelope to correctly identify what abbreviations to use. It’s important you write in only black pen and capital letters.

Once your paperwork is completed, you’ll have to buy a marca da bollo for 16 euros (again available at a local tabaccheria) and bring the kit back to the post office. There is a 30 euro tariff to send the kit, as well as another 30 euro cost for the attached bollettino, which is basically a form of postage.

You’ll also need to send a copy of your passport. This article helped me during the permesso di soggiorno application process.

The electronic system will automatically print you an appointment date at the Questura to receive your permesso di soggiorno. Even if the day is far in the future, you will be allowed to stay in Italy since your appointment is scheduled. (Just make sure to keep the receipt they give you.)

Become an Italian Citizen!

After all this, you may not hear much for awhile. The comune will check your documents and contact the Italian consulates within your case as well as the comuni of your ancestors to double-check all of the information.

When the comune has verified the information, they will reach out to you to sign the “Riconoscimento della Cittadinanza Italiana Jure Sanguinis.”

You’ll receive a copy of this document that states the evidence for why you are being granted Italian citizenship and what the comune will do to enact this.

Time to celebrate!

What Next?

Photo by Francesca Tirico on Unsplash

After receiving your dual citizenship in Italy, you’ll be able to acquire some exciting documents! These include:

  • Tessera Sanitaria (Health Card) – Italian citizens are eligible to enroll in the public health system, for which you’ll need the Tessera Sanitaria!
  • Carta d’Identità (Identity Card) – There are two types – the old paper identity card and the new electronic one, which is plastic. Both last ten years, but the electronic one is smaller and easier to carry around. You can make an appointment with a comune online to receive the electronic carta d’identità.
  • Italian Passport – You can apply for your Italian passport online, however, you’ll need your carta d’identità or a SPID to access the portal. Learn more about how to travel with two passports.

If you are an Italian citizen who’s going to live outside of Italy, you’ll want to register with the AIRE.

As I apply for my new documents as an Italian citizen, I can write about my personal experience. Let me know if you’d like to see that in the comments!

Extra Tips for Applying for Italian Dual Citizenship in Italy

  • Know someone in Italy. The process would have been ten times more difficult if I didn’t have my boyfriend to help me communicate with the comune and know where to search on Italian websites for documents I needed. If you know anyone in Italy, from family to friends, to help with communication, that will be a plus! It’s still manageable if you have some knowledge of Italian and are going about it on your own.
  • Take pictures of every document and save them in multiple places. Before you hand in your documents, take pictures of every single page – the document itself, the apostille, and the translation. Save it in multiple places so you’re less likely to lose them. If you need to discuss something with the comune, you won’t have access to or be given back your documents.
  • Join Facebook groups to ask questions and get support from others on the same journey. I had several moments on my journey applying in Italy where the comune didn’t understand every rule. Having a group of people who went through and are going through the same process enabled me to verify the information and then stand my ground with the comune. A few groups I recommend are Italian Dual Citizenship and Dual U.S. – Italian Citizenship.
  • Some helpful resources include DIY Italian Citizenship Youtube and the Italian Citizenship Assistance Podcast.

Final Thoughts

Applying for dual citizenship in Italy can be a confusing process. I read every article on the Internet about what I needed to do and what to expect going into it.

All of the information in this post is exactly what I had to do to acquire my dual citizenship in Italy. I hope my being transparent and hearing from personal experience instead of from an agency who wants your money or trying to interpret Italian law helps make the picture clearer of what the process will look like once you arrive in Italy.

I would love to continue the discussion in the comments and answer any questions you may have based off my personal research and experience!

The process is a long and stressful one at times, but don’t give up! The moment you become an Italian citizen is so special and worth it!

Any questions? Let’s discuss them in the comments!




Michela is a travel writer and photographer living in northern Italy. She is passionate about helping people make the most of their travels by sharing advice gained from her personal experiences, off-the-beaten-path destinations and time-saving quick itineraries. Browse her top articles or have her help you plan your itinerary to your dream destination!

Find me on: Web | Instagram


  1. Kathy
    July 2, 2021 / 8:05 am

    Thank you for this detailed experience of applying for citizenship in Italy. My husband and I hope to get to Italy in 2021 to do the same. While we are both eligible, his path is much shorter and clearer than mine. We realize that we will probably have to leave Italy after 90 days, as I will not be eligible for an extension. We are using an attorney there to assist us since we don’t speak much Italian. One question for you is do you know if divorce papers of ourselves and parents are required as well? Thank you again for this post, I’m sure it was very time consuming, but is incredibly helpful!

    • July 2, 2021 / 9:30 am

      Firstly, thank you so much for your kind words! I hope working with a professional will help you figure out your case, I was lucky to have a straightforward path! For you the applicant, yes you’ll need your divorce record. I’m unsure if it’s necessary to also obtain a parent’s divorce record, but it might be advantageous to request it and have it on hand just in case!

  2. Maria weiss
    July 3, 2021 / 6:08 pm

    Wow I’m i. Awe of what you accomplished and posted it for the rest of us who need help and encouragement. I am on the same path, trying to get all the documents together. Then I will go to Italy to apply. Hoping to find a professional in Sicily that will be available to assist. I am excited and will use your learnings. Thank you

    • July 4, 2021 / 9:54 am

      I knew I wanted to share absolutely every detail about the journey because it’s so difficult and stressful! I’m so happy you found this information helpful. Best of luck to you on your dual citizenship journey!!

  3. September 6, 2021 / 6:50 am

    Thanks Michela, solid stuff, very much appreciated! I have been in Italy for two months, and now the waiting has become very stressful for me. I got everything done that I needed to do the first week in country, including the police check (they actually got mixed up and came to the house by mistake, but while here they decided they’d do the check on me anyway!). But then came my first big disappointment. The town clerk did nothing with my paperwork for three weeks, and then he went on vacation for another two weeks! Five weeks basically wasted. Supposedly he contacted my consulates about two weeks ago. I have no idea how long it will take the consulates to reply to the comune, and I’d love to know if there is a time period in which they are required to respond. I know the request is sent via some sort of accountable email, but if that can just be ignored, I don’t know. Anyway, congratulations on navigating this process that is full of surprises, pitfalls, frustrations, incorrect information on the part of officials, etc. You should be very proud and joyous about your achievement!

    • September 6, 2021 / 3:26 pm

      Hi Dan, that is awesome! Not so awesome about the town clerk, but I can definitely understand that happening – they tend to go at their own pace here in Italy! I’m not sure if there is a time period in which they are required to respond, but it should not be long. They basically have to only verify that citizenship was never renounced and I don’t think it should take more than a couple weeks max. The only thing is that all consulates are different, based on how busy they are. Thanks so much for your congratulations, I’m wishing all the best for you and let me know if I can offer up any more advice (sorry I’m not too sure on this one!)

  4. Richard DiStefano
    September 26, 2021 / 7:00 pm

    Thanks for posting this! I’ve bookmarked the page and plan to refer to it many times.

    What would you consider a “medium size” commune? Would a place like Pisa fit the description or would it be considered a large city? Thanks in advance!

    • September 28, 2021 / 3:31 pm

      Thanks so much, I’m glad you found it helpful! I would say Pisa is a medium-sized city. It’s not too big but also big enough that they should definitely be familiar with the dual citizenship process! The best thing to do would be to locate on the comune’s website a contact for the Ufficio Anagrafe, explain your situation, and get a feel with how familiar they are with the process, which is what will affect the timeline most! Let me know if there’s anything else I can give some advice on! 🙂

  5. Richard DiStefano
    September 28, 2021 / 10:24 pm

    Thanks for your response! I had originally planned to do this with my local consulate, but the wait times can be measured in years, and doing it in Italy sounds like more fun anyway. Not sure when I’m going to be able to do it; I’ve collected most of the documents (one key document may be a while in coming because of COVID) but still need to do the translations and the apostilles. I’ll look into Pisa and a few other similarly sized cities to see what they can tell me, and what their documentation requirements might be. I understand that they may not have the same requirements as the Philadelphia consulate.

    • October 2, 2021 / 5:08 am

      No problem! Applying in Italy is definitely a quicker and more exciting route to take. Once you have the documents, translations can be done quickly and I didn’t have to wait too long to receive the apostilles either. There are some extra forms that the comune might make you fill out, but you’ll be able to fulfill those requirements once in Italy! Good luck on your journey, I’m wishing you all the best!

  6. Lanny Zenga
    October 11, 2021 / 6:59 pm

    Hi Michela! Thanks for your article! I’m almost finished with my apostilles and getting ready to make travel arrangements to Rome. Just a quick question, in the above comment response you mean they need to call consulate to check if the next ancestor in line never renounced after the Italian born naturalized ? Also, do you have any rome translation services you can recommend? Thanks so much!

    • October 13, 2021 / 5:05 pm

      Hi Lanny! That is super exciting! Yes that is the main reason they get in touch with the US consulate. I obviously don’t work in an Italian comune so perhaps there are other details they need to discuss, but for what I know, that is the most important thing that they must check. I don’t have a translation service specifically in Rome that I recommend but the translator that I worked with is based in another region from where I am and everything was handled by mail when I arrived in Italy and went perfectly – they were done and sent back to me in a matter of days! Here is the link to her website if you’re interested: Let me know how everything goes, best of luck!

  7. Marcella
    October 13, 2021 / 12:25 pm

    This was the most detailed personal experience post I’ve found about this subject online! Thanks so much! 🙂

    • October 13, 2021 / 5:07 pm

      You’re welcome, I am so happy that you found it useful! My goal was to be as transparent as possible since I was in the middle of the process and couldn’t find any straightforward information or a personal take on the experience of applying in Italy! If I can be of any more help, let me know 🙂

  8. Anastasia
    January 1, 2022 / 4:39 pm

    Hi Michela! Happy New Year and thank you for writing such a detailed description of your experience.

    I’m currently about a month in to my stay in Italy for this purpose, in a small Tuscan comune. The residency was applied for about ten days after I arrived. I’ve had the police come by twice when I have been here to check that I’m at the apartment I’m renting, but each time he comes back, he says he has to come back many more times. First visit, he said he’d come back one more time in 45 days. Second visit, he said he had to come back a third time. Then a couple days ago I happened to run into him in town, and said hello, and he said now it needs to be a total of six visits to me in the 45 days. I told some local friends and they said he must have been joking or hitting on me. But I was just curious about your experience and how many times the police had to check on you?

    I’m working with a local Italian attorney from a neighboring area, and he says we are going next week to the Post Office. I’m so confused as to the order of things, as I thought I couldn’t submit the post office “kit” until I actually get my residency established – but is that not the case?

    Any insight would be helpful, many thanks!

    • January 4, 2022 / 5:11 pm

      Hi Anastasia! I’m glad you find it helpful!

      It seems strange that they are checking you more than once or twice. I was only checked once!

      The steps are as follows: once your residency is confirmed, the comune will give you a document to basically declare that you are applying for Italian citizenship (the Istanza di Riconoscimento del Possesso dello Status Civitatis Italiano ai Cittadini Stranieri di Ceppo Italiano.)

      You then hand this document into the comune with a marca da bollo (a stamp that confirms you paid a 16€ tax.) Once the comune receives this document filled out, they should give you another document confirming you started the citizenship (jure sanguinis) application process – it’s called the Ricevuta dell’Avvio del Procedimento del Riconoscimento di Cittadinanza.

      Then once you have this “receipt” that is when you can go to the post office and fill out the “kit” to apply for the Permesso di Soggiorno in Attesa di Cittadinanza!

      You can get the kit at any moment from the post office, but you won’t be able to fill it out and apply for the permesso di soggiorno until you have that receipt from the comune!

      I hope this helps and feel free to ask any other questions if you have them! Wishing you all the best on this journey!

      Michela 🙂

  9. Anne
    February 8, 2022 / 2:00 pm

    Hi, you helped me get my Ricevuta dell’Avvio today! I initially turned in my citizenship documents 3 weeks ago. There was an issue with one document & the comune would not give me the Ricevuta. My 90 days is up soon. After reading your post, I went back and did not give up. Going to the post office tomorrow for my PsD. Thank you!!

    • February 8, 2022 / 3:42 pm

      Hi Anne! I am so happy for you! I am glad this post was able to help and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help answering a question or to let me know when you have completed your citizenship journey! I’d love to hear 🙂 Best of luck! – Michela

  10. kevin
    April 20, 2022 / 1:37 pm

    Hello Michela,
    Let me echo the thanks from others – your exhaustive description of the process is very much appreciated.
    My wife qualifies for jure sanguinis and has her docs already, and we were thinking it would be great to apply in Italy (especially as our consulato in Boston has a loooong queue); however, we realize that staying longer than 3 months as a family might pose a problem.
    So, a question: can one, if the process is longer than 90 days, leave the country, then return later to ‘finish’? Or must the applicant, if applying as a resident, remain in residency until the citizenship is awarded? Not sure if that avenue ever entered the picture for you – and feel free to say if you do not know. Will try to pose the same question to some of groups/resources you have linked to.

    Thanks again,

    • April 21, 2022 / 7:13 am

      Hi Kevin,

      I actually faced this concern during my process, since I didn’t know when I would actually receive citizenship. I applied for my permit to stay right after my application was started (in April) and my appointment to actually get it wasn’t until December! I had been planning to return to the US in November so I inquired about this, but since I never had to do it, I can’t be 100% sure it works – especially because, in the laws and articles I have found after researching again they speak in the context of a permesso di soggiorno renewal and not if you’re applying for the permesso di soggiorno for the first time.

      What I found is that the most important thing is to have the receipt or “ricevuta” of applying for your permit to stay. The permit to stay receipt is not recognized as valid in Schengen countries, so it could only work traveling back and forth from your home country without stopping over in Schengen countries (I think).

      Now here are the things I don’t know – I don’t know if this specifically includes the permesso di soggiorno in attesa di cittadinanza because in the law I am referring to, it is not listed, but I have seen in a Facebook post in one of the groups I mentioned say that it is okay. For example, this article from the Polizia di Stato, specifies that the process is allowed for those applying for the permit for employment, self-employment, or family reunification.

      I also don’t know if there is a maximum amount of time you can spend outside of Italy before the receipt becomes invalid for reentering.

      Your best bet for a solid answer is to contact the Polizia di Stato which you can do here:

      The form is in Italian but I can help you out if you need any translations! Sorry for the super long response, I hope it helps!

  11. Joe
    April 29, 2022 / 9:34 pm

    Do you happen to know how the process works with spouses? I’m at the very beginning of this journey and starting to track down my documents. Do I have to complete the process and gain Italian citizenship before my wife? Can we do it concurrently but separately? Once I’m a citizen, maybe there’s a different process for her?

    Thank you for all the info you’ve provided!

    • April 30, 2022 / 11:34 am

      Hi Joe! Thanks for reading!

      To answer your question, I think that all depends on how your wife would be obtaining citizenship – is she also of Italian descent and doing her process simultaneously, or are you of Italian descent and you are interested in her becoming an Italian citizen through marriage?

      If she’s also of Italian descent, then you can definitely work on the process together. Applying at the consulate would mean you’ll have to treat all your appointments separately as individuals which would be more time-consuming, but applying in Italy is more relaxed and you both could present your individual documents together.

      However, I assume from the wording of your message you’re in the second situation, which is that your wife is not of Italian descent and but she’s interested in becoming an Italian citizen too – please correct me if I’m wrong! In that case, you would have to become an Italian citizen first before trying to take the route of citizenship by marriage for your wife. With that comes lots of other requirements that I’m not personally familiar with, including if you’d need to wait a certain amount of time after you have been granted citizenship to start that process, but would be glad to help you research if you ever want to reach out via the contact form on my site!

      I hope this helps and feel free to reach out again if you have other questions! – Michela

      • Joe
        May 1, 2022 / 8:45 am

        Appreciate the response! Yes, it’s the second situation. I’ve done more research since I posted this question and yes there are a number of other requirements for becoming a citizen through marriage. Interestingly enough, as I am applying through descent, I don’t need to produce any evidence of being able to speak Italian, but when applying through marriage, she needs to show that she can speak at a B1 (intermediate) level of proficiency.

        Thank you!

        • May 2, 2022 / 3:07 am

          Hi Joe! Okay, glad we figured that out!

          Yes, because you are of Italian lineage and you have the right to citizenship if your Italian bloodline continued (ancestors never renounced Italian citizenship), that is enough to apply via Jure Sanguinis and tie you to Italy, therefore there is no language requirement! I think in the situation that a spouse who is non-Italian wants to become an Italian citizen, they impose those extra requirements to ensure that they have a connection with the culture and the country.

          If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to let me know at any time! Best of luck on your citizenship journey!

  12. Peter
    June 26, 2022 / 10:58 am


    So after the police check on you and you receive residency you can apply for citizenship but once you apply do you need to stay in the same apartment? I’ve had a hard time trying to find this out. It would be more enjoyable to be able to travel around and just come back when they need something from me than being committed to one town. Solid work you’ve done here, really appreciate it!

    • June 29, 2022 / 3:52 pm

      Hi Peter!

      Technically, you don’t have to stay in the same apartment. But the comune may do multiple checks within the first 45 days of your bid for residency. Each comune can have a different way of going about the process and they may or may not let you know when the checks are!

      I will say however that you are claiming to be a resident of the town and it is the address you will use to fill out paperwork after your citizenship is recognized (like for your ID) so I wouldn’t abandon that address. You can travel obviously, but your main address will still be considered the one with which you have applied for residency.

      I hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions 🙂

      • Peter
        June 30, 2022 / 2:36 pm

        Awesome thanks for the info! Yeah I will be staying there until they grant residency (after the checks) and then will travel around more after I drop off my citizenship app. And I will have access to the mail afterwards so no biggie there. Thanks again!

        • July 1, 2022 / 1:19 am

          Ok great! Best of luck on your citizenship journey!

  13. chandler shields
    August 27, 2022 / 3:26 pm

    this has been very informative and i am grateful for this website but I am a bit confused on the comune part. Do you have to be a resident to apply at the comune

    • August 31, 2022 / 7:08 am

      Hi Chandler, I am happy to answer questions and clear any confusion up! Yes, you must be a resident of the comune that you are applying in. Establishing your residency is the first step of the dual citizenship process after you land in Italy. And once you are a resident, you must apply in that comune meaning, for example, if I become a resident of Milan, I cannot go to Rome to apply for my citizenship. Hope this helps!

  14. Anna
    September 8, 2022 / 1:09 pm

    Hi Michela!
    I can’t thank you enough for spelling out the process like this. I’ve been trying to research exactly what to do and only finding results from the services that charge thousands of dollars.
    I’m wondering–I see that you submitted your grandmother’s birth certificate and both of your parents’ birth certificates. Did this end up being necessary? I only ask because, looking at the jure sanguinis application document from the Italian government’s website, I only see a requirement for the birth certificates of the relevant Italian ascendants. That is, if my maternal great-grandfather is the Italian citizen, then I wouldn’t need his wife’s birth certificate, nor would I need my grandfather’s wife’s birth certificate, nor would I need my mother’s husband’s birth certificate, as none of these people are required to demonstrate the Italian lineage. Am I correct here? I just want to be sure before I spend 20 bucks each getting all these birth certificates apostilled.

    Again, thank you, thank you, you’ve already helped so much by sharing your experience!

    • September 18, 2022 / 6:03 am

      Hi Anna! I’m so happy you found this article helpful.

      So, when I applied, it was part of the requirements to have both my parents’ birth certificates and both my grandparents’ birth certificates. I checked up on this online and I usually use the Italian Consulate of Miami website to verify the information. It looks like it has been updated and calls for only the certificates in the Italian line of your family. However, I looked at some other websites (like those that provide Italian citizenship services) and they still say that both certificates are required as part of the application. This information may or may not be outdated and unfortunately on the Consulate page it doesn’t show me when the page was last updated to confirm how recent the info is.

      I will say, it is never bad to have more evidence than less when it comes to applying for dual citizenship. This is especially true if you are wishing to apply in Italy, as the Comune can be fickle and picky about your application (often due to a lack of information on their part if you are applying in a small comune). I know it’s not the perfect answer but I hope I was still able to help in some way!

  15. Matt M
    October 23, 2022 / 3:42 pm

    Your posts are the best, thanks! I’m currently in Sicily (from USA) in hopes to gain citizenship. I’m waiting over a month for my residency to go through as police officers never visited my place yet. Don’t worry, my landlord registered my rental agreement with the police ahead of time. I also checked with the commune, and they said police didn’t stop by yet. Hoping for the best!

    • October 31, 2022 / 3:13 am

      Hi Matt,
      That’s awesome! Unfortunately, every comune is different so there’s no telling when the check will be done within the 45 days. Hang in there! Wishing you the best of luck!

  16. Melissa Pinto
    August 24, 2023 / 12:55 pm

    Hi Michela,

    Thanks for the great info! This has been something I’ve wanted to do for many years, but always found the process overwhelming. Now I’m determined to get my Italian dual citizenship. I definitely see myself living in Italy in the future!

    I have a couple of questions. Firstly, do the translations need to accompany the certificates when getting the apostilles or can I get the apostilles before the translations? I do not know if the apostilles are to certify that the documents are authentic or if the apostilles are to certify the documents are authentic and the translations are correct.

    Also, I was told that I can have death certificates amended but not birth certificates amended if that relative is no longer living. On my grandfather’s birth certificate, my great grandfather’s name is listed as his Americanized name and not his Italian name given at birth (listed as Paul, not Paolo). Is this a problem proving he’s the same person? If so, do you have any suggestions in handling that since the birth certificate can no longer be amended?

    Thank you,

    • September 23, 2023 / 12:32 pm

      Hi Melissa,

      I am glad you found the article helpful!

      Regarding translations and apostilles, if you plan to apply in Italy then you must have all your documents plus the apostilles translated, so you will want to get the apostilles before getting the translations.

      I personally don’t know a lot about your second question, however I do believe it could create a problem if the names are not matching. What is important when applying is that you have as much proof as possible of your ability to claim Italian citizenship, so if you cannot amend the birth certificate, I would look for other resources that can help clarify the name change, like an immigrant record or the name change record itself.

      However, after researching online, I see some states indicate that you can amend the birth certificate of a deceased family member. Did you receive indications about not being able to amend it from the state’s vital records office?

      I hope this information helps and let me know if you have other questions!

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