2 Days in Turin, Italy: The Itinerary That Makes it Worth Visiting

2 Days in Turin, Italy: The Itinerary That Makes it Worth Visiting

Turin often goes under-the-radar compared to Italy’s other major cities – you certainly don’t hear about it as much as you do Venice, Rome, Milan or Florence. But maybe that’s a good thing – so Turin can remain our hidden gem secret! Being one of Italy’s major cities, you won’t find a lack of people in Turin, but you will uncover so much more than you could have expected. So, if you were asking yourself if Turin is worth visiting, here’s your answer. And the ultimate itinerary for 2 days in Turin.

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Why Turin is Worth Visiting

It may not get the recognition it deserves, but Turin holds so many gems, especially if you are a history buff or coffee lover.

Turin was the first capital of Italy, meaning it’s riddled with royal palaces and residencies of the former Savoy royal family. By far the best part about Turin is stepping back into the monarch age of Italy and truly feeling immersed in a rich chapter of the country’s history.

All the royal residences and palaces of Turin have UNESCO World Heritage Site status.

The city is also an industrial capital, known for the birth of iconic Italian companies like Fiat and Lavazza.

Getting Around Turin

There are two things you should know about creating the perfect 2 days in Turin itinerary for you before actually building it out. The first is how you are getting around in Turin.

My Turin itinerary involves the city center and the magical sites on Turin’s outskirts, so to see it all it would be best if you rent a car and have the flexibility to drive around the area.

This isn’t just about flexibility: while researching for my trip, I found that Turin’s public transportation system is pretty slow and not as well-connected as other cities. So, for me, it made more sense to drive and park close to the city center.

That said, it’s not impossible to get around with public transportation, it just seems like it will take a bit longer than usual (there is no underground subway in Turin, so that’s why). You may want to visit Turin as a day trip from Milan and arrive at the central train station, and in that case, you will be fine getting around Turin on foot or with the trams. You could also do the day trip as an organized tour.

Turin is walkable, but it’s bigger than I expected and you don’t realize how much you are walking around its big museums and palaces, so I got pretty tired from being on my feet.

The Torino + Piemonte Card

One more thing before jumping into the itinerary. I normally don’t buy traditional tourist passes that give you discounts or entry to attractions, but the Torino + Piemonte Card is actually an amazing deal and is what I used to enjoy Turin to the fullest.

A lot of these city passes tend to just give you discounts, so you’re paying for the pass plus the normal entry fee, but what convinced me about the Torino + Piemonte card is that it includes entry to almost all of Turin’s main attractions.

Don’t get the 1 day pass, as you’re paying €29 per person but only getting a max of 3 entries. Get the 2 day pass so you can enter as many museums, attractions and sites as you’d like for €39 per person, which is a way better deal.

How to Plan Your Trip to Turin with the Torino + Piemonte Card

If you decide the card is right for you, then congrats: you’ve just gained access to a bunch of attractions that you now have to pick and choose from to create your perfect 2 days in Turin.

With the card, you can either walk up to attractions at the moment and get in or reserve your spot ahead of time. Some popular attractions, like the Egyptian Museum and the Cinema Museum, sell out in advance, so if you don’t book online beforehand, you won’t be able to get in by just walking up with your card.

The official website highlights which attractions require a reservation, for which attractions a reservation is recommended and for which attractions you should be fine visiting without a reservation.

To make reservations with the card: simply visit the official website of the location and when selecting your ticket, choose the one that explicitly says “Abbonamento Torino + Piemonte” or “Torino + Piemonte card”. The order will be $0 and after you checkout you’ll get an email with the tickets. Then when you arrive at the attraction, you will show the ticket office your Torino + Piemonte card pus the ticket you bought online from the attraction.

Since there is so much to choose from, I recommend to start building your itinerary by reserving your spot online to your must-visit attractions. Research how long a visit takes in these attractions to make sure you space them out well enough (I’ll be letting you know how long each of my visits took below).

Then, as you explore Turin you can see if you have extra time in between activities and try to enter other included attractions then.

2 Days in Turin Itinerary

As I just mentioned, you can save money by using the Torino + Piemonte Card to access all of the paid attractions on this itinerary. You can also switch the order in which you do these two days based on the rest of your trip.

Day 1: The Best of Turin’s Outskirts

I think you could do Turin in one day if you only want to explore the historic city center but I really recommend adding on that extra day to see some of the fantastic sites in the vicinity of the city.

Reggia di Venaria

The Reggia di Venaria is a royal residence on the outskirts of Turin and one of the most famous.

This huge palace is not only an architectural wonder – it is also situated on seemingly infinite grounds of gardens backdropped by the Italian Alps.

The Reggia di Venaria, now an UNESCO World Heritage Site, recounts the entire history of the House of Savoy, Italy’s ruling royal family from the country’s birth in 1861 to the end of the monarchy system in 1946. The Savoy family was around long before Italy became a unified nation in 1861, exercising and growing in political power and control for over 1000 years.

The most famous room of the Palace of Venaria, also known as La Venaria Reale, is the Grand Gallery, pictured above.

Pro Tip: If you enter at the earliest entry time, 9:30 am, to visit the palace, you may have a shot at having the room all to yourself like I did for some amazing photos.

A visit to the palace takes around 2 hours to complete but can easily last longer depending how in detail you view the exhibits and how much of the gardens you walk.

It is included on the Torino + Piemonte card and a reservation is recommended. You can also buy tickets online.

For more details on how to visit, check out my full guide to Reggia di Venaria.

Sacra di San Michele

The Sacra di San Michele is a religious pilgrimage site about 40 minutes outside of Turin, built between the years 983 and 987, dedicated to Saint Michael the Archangel.

What makes this worth visiting is its magnificent location on the top of Monte Pirchiriano. It feels like you are floating in the sky, surrounded by the Western Alps’ snowy peaks and towering above the valley below.

And that’s not all. The structure is beautifully haunting, from the Grand Staircase of the Dead to the Tower of Beautiful Alda.

You can walk up to the religious site from the bottom of the valley, like the traditional pilgrimage. You’ll find lots of hikers relaxing at the top of the mountain, enjoying the view of the surrounding peaks from the ruins of the Tomb of the Monks.

Or if you don’t want to hike or don’t have the time, you can drive very close to the abbey to the nearby parking and only walk from 10 to 15 minutes to reach the sacred monument.

The Sacra di San Michele takes about 45 minutes to visit and entrance is included in the Torino + Piemonte card. I was able to walk up and visit without a reservation.

You can DIY this visit or, if you are wanting to really understand the history and significance of this place, you could book a guided tour.

Stupinigi Royal Hunting Lodge

Just 20 minutes away from Turin is one of the most unique royal residencies of the Savoy family: the Stupinigi hunting lodge.

This palace is so impressive: 31,000 square meters of building and 150,000 square meters of surrounding park.

It is huge and beautiful in a very different way from the other royal palaces because it is a residence of pastimes and holidays. I truly loved how the structure, designed by architect Filippo Juvarra, who designed many other of the most famous buildings in Turin, gives off an air of toughness and might that was so different from the other very ornate and delicate royal palaces.

I also loved the stag on top of the dome, which I have never seen anything like in any other example of Italian architecture.

The other amazing thing to see is the inside of the dome. I’m not sure if it is a chapel or ballroom, but even after you’ve seeing beautiful fresco ceilings and opulent decoration, this one still makes an impression.

A visit to Stupinigi takes about an hour and is included in the Torino + Piemonte card. I was able to walk up without a reservation.

Basilica di Superga

Another architectural feat of Filippo Juvarra is the Basilica di Superga, the cathedral that watches over the city of Turin.

Many tourists and locals alike come here to take in epic views over the entire Piedmont region.

A visit inside the cathedral is always free, but the Torino + Piemonte card also allows you to climb to the church’s terrace for an even more bird’s eye view of the city. This experience was really one of a kind because it literally feels like you are standing on the church’s roof, not some tourist-made attraction.

You can drive all the way up to the basilica but the parking lot is small and you may have to be patient for a spot to open up.

I also noticed a cool place to have aperitif, a rooftop bar beside Superga called Cheers – Bistrot Superga.

Day 2: The Best of Turin’s City Center

With or without the Torino + Piemonte card, I think Turin is a city that is easy to DIY and enjoy. However, you may consider signing up for a Turin walking tour that allows you to get to know the city in and out through the eyes of a local.

Royal Palace and Museums

Start your day making your way past Porta Palatina and the Duomo of Turin to the Royal Palace of Turin and its museums.

This is the official royal residence of the ruling Savoy family, where they lived in the city center and where government affairs took place. You can even see the majestic throne room and the lively ballroom.

But I had two favorite parts. The first was the Royal Armory, one of the world’s most important collections of arms and armor. It was absolutely incredible to see the royal family’s collection, from knight outfits to swords to carriages.

The second is the Chapel of the Holy Shroud. I’m fortunate to have been to many beautiful places but I truly don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as beautiful as this chapel.

Wrapped in black marble and painted with gold, crowned by the most unique dome, this chapel, and the haunting feeling you get walking around it, cannot be done justice by any photo – so I truly recommend you visit it for yourself.

You’ll also have access to the museums of the royal family’s art collections, including paintings like Venus by Botticelli and one of Rembrandt’s famous self portraits.

The royal gardens are also beautiful in the spring and summer months and always free to visit.

A visit to the royal palace takes one and a half to two hours to complete and is included in the Torino + Piemonte card. A reservation is recommended.

Palazzo Madama

You may think that after seeing so many royal residences, you would get tired of them. But each one is more unique and beautiful and you can’t help but gawk each and every time.

The Palazzo Madama, designed by architect Filippo Juvarra, was the first Senate of the Kingdom of Italy.

This building is famous for its beautiful blue-carpeted staircase, but there are two other areas I love and recommend you visit.

The first is the tower on the top floor, giving you a bird’s eye view of the Turin city center.

The second, instead, is below the city. Around Palazzo Madama is a moat containing the Medieval Garden. You are smack in the middle of one of Turin’s busiest squares but you don’t notice it at all you walk through this humble garden and protected by the moat’s high walls.

A visit to Palazzo Madama is included in the Torino + Piemonte card and takes about 1 hour. I was able to walk up without a reservation.

Fetta di Polenta

Make a fun, quick and quirky stop as you walk around Turin at the Fetta di Polenta. Casa Scaccabarozzi, known as Fetta di Polenta, is this oddly-shaped historic building in the middle of all the other traditional local houses of the city.

Turin’s Grand Squares & Boulevards

Turin is a great city for just walking around, enjoying and people-watching. There are lovely alleyways and arches that give the city such character, contrasted by huge squares like Piazza Castello and Piazza San Carlo and luxury shopping streets like Via Roma.

Take a stroll down Via Po where you’ll find charming street vendors and end up at the sprawling Piazza Vittorio Veneto that leads you up to, you guessed it, the mighty Po River.

Egyptian Museum

An Egyptian Museum in Turin, Italy? Yes – an it happens to be the city’s most famous museum.

The Museo Egizio in Turin is 200 years old in 2024. In 1563, the Savoy family moved their capital to Turin and in search of the city’s origins, found the base of a statue from roman times with an inscription that suggested a sanctuary dedicated to Isis once stood in the spot, insinuating that the city had Egyptian origins.

Many archaeological excursions were then carried out in Egypt from Turin, and so today Turin holds one of the largest collections of Egyptian antiquities.

A visit to the Egyptian Museum is included in the Torino + Piemonte card and a reservation is obligatory because of how popular it is.

You can visit on your own, but I saw so many guided tours that give backstory to the collections, so I think a guided tour could be worth it.

Mole Antonelliana & the Museo del Cinema

The Mole Antonelliana is Turin’s most famous buildings, with its spire being the most recognizable element of the city skyline.

It is also home to the National Cinema Museum, one of the most popular museums in Turin that often sells out in advance.

The museum is included in the Torino + Piemonte card and a reservation is recommended.

Lavazza Museum

Turin is home to great Italian coffee, including the iconic brand Lavazza.

For a fun and lighthearted activity, you can visit the Lavazza Museum at the company’s headquarters in the Turin city center.

Discover the history of the family and the brand, and enjoy a little coffee tasting at the end.

A visit to the Lavazza Museum takes about 45 minutes and is included in the Torino + Piemonte card. I was able to visit without a reservation.

Monte dei Cappuccini

For an iconic view over the city, head to Monte dei Cappuccini.

The hilltop church sits right above the Po River in one of Turin’s most beautiful neighborhoods and offers a panoramic view with Turin’s most famous building front and center.

The Monte dei Cappuccini is free to visit. You can reach it walking but it is an uphill climb. You can also take a car and park along the street nearby.

Where to Stay in Turin

I stayed at Cascina Marchesa in a beautiful park in the city center. I even got lucky with a unique view of the Superga!

To search Turin accommodations, I use Booking.com.

Where to Eat in Turin

I very much only scratched the surface of places to eat in Turin being there for only two days, but I did have some good eats I wanted to share!

If you love pizza, you should definitely check out Bricks. Bricks is an award-winning pizzeria that does your favorite classics, but also unique specials like Lasagna pizza on their special Bricks Blend dough. I know it sounds strange but it is absolutely delicious!

And if you’re craving something sweet, Turin has this great bakery chain Torteria Berlicabarbis that does takeaway cakes! Some locations are even open until midnight for a late-night treat.

The Best Time to Visit Turin

The best time to visit Turin is in late spring, when the city is abloom and you have a better chance of clear skies.

One thing that makes Turin so special is its unique location among the Piedmont hills with the Western Alps as its backdrop. However, the city easily gets foggy, so you don’t always get the chance to the Alps in their full glory, which is why late spring gives you a better chance for clear skies.

Some Turin Travel Tips

  • Wear comfortable shoes: You don’t realize it, but you’re going to be doing a lot of walking around the city, especially if you are touring the museums.
  • Stay aware in crowds: When I visited Turin on a Saturday night, the main squares of the city center were absolutely packed with people. During the day I didn’t find the areas to be as crowded, but this is just a reminder to always stay attentive in large crowds.

The SGTD Take

Does Turin get the hype it deserves? Probably not. Does it need to be a must-visit on your northern Italy itinerary? It depends.

I think Turin is absolutely worth visiting but I think it is most worth visiting in these cases: if you are returning to northern Italy for a second time, are looking for alternative destinations to the classic northern Italy tourist route orare coming to Italy for an extended period of time.

If instead you only have a few days or a week in northern Italy, you may want to prioritize other areas that offer more diverse landscapes or things to do.

I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the city and feel like I got my fill with just 2 days in Turin.

Hopefully this reflection can help you decide if Turin is a must-visit destination for you.

Have any questions? Ask me in the comments!

Italy Trip Planning Resources

  • Accommodation: For Italy, I mainly use Booking.com to search and book places to stay.
  • Booking flights: I like to search for flights through Skyscanner, but I also book direct depending on the airline.
  • Activities & experiences: For things to do that require a ticket, and for more unique trip activities, I use Musement.
  • Road trip: For renting a car, I get the best prices by comparing companies with AutoEurope. I then use ViaMichelin to estimate road trip costs and Autostrade.it to find gas stations/have live updates on traffic.
  • Transportation: Traveling by public transportation is a great way to see Italy. I use Trenitalia or Trainline to book tickets for trains and Flixbus for long-haul bus trips.
  • Accessories: I always travel with this portable charger to stay connected and with a universal adapter to accommodate Italy’s plug types.
  • Need help planning an itinerary? Fill out my form for a custom itinerary request!

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I hope this 2 days in Turin itinerary has inspired you to go off the beaten path on your trip to northern Italy!

Safe travels,



Michela is a travel writer and photographer living in northern Italy. She is passionate about helping people make the most of their travels by sharing advice gained from her personal experiences, off-the-beaten-path destinations and time-saving quick itineraries. Browse her top articles or have her help you plan your itinerary to your dream destination!

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