100 Travel Photography Hashtags To Grow Your Instagram Account & Get Featured

100 Travel Photography Hashtags To Grow Your Instagram Account & Get Featured

While social media has opened so many doors for photographers, amateur to professional, to share their work, the space is becoming more and more crowded. Hashtags are one of the tools to get your photographs noticed on Instagram, which is why I’ve assembled this comprehensive list of travel photography hashtags! Discover general and niche-specific Instagram travel hashtags for photography that will best help you target your ideal audience.

Finding hashtags can be time-consuming and take time away from focusing on the most important thing – creating good content! To make this list even more helpful (and let you get straight to the point,) I’m giving you free access to my Travel Hashtag Master List in The Travel Library!

This list has hundreds of travel and travel photography-related hashtags to use on Instagram from hours of personal research on the platform. If you want to just have one place to go to see tons of hashtag ideas organized by volume, then you can access the list with your email.

How Do Hashtags Work

There are a few reasons why hashtags are useful to Instagrammers who want to grow their account.

Hashtags can be used on Instagram posts, in the caption or in a comment. Hashtags are only researchable if they are put in the caption, so I recommend you put them there.

Firstly, Instagram users can follow individual hashtags. This means if they follow the hashtag they use, your photo could potentially pop up in their news feed – directly to them, instead of needing them to scroll on the Explore page.

Secondly, hashtags can be so niche-specific that you can target the exact audience who would be most likely to follow you. For example, there’s a section in this post on architecture hashtags. If you photograph architecture and use hashtags in that niche, Instagram is more likely to push your photo out to the people following these hashtags or looking at similar photos with these hashtags.

So, what should you take into account to choosing the right hashtags?

Hashtag Volume

The amount of times a hashtag is used is its volume. The more times it’s used, or in other words, the more popular travel hashtags mean the higher the competition is to generally rank for these hashtags.

While you’re still growing, you might find using hashtags with a million posts attached to them makes it harder for your photo to get noticed. There’s a lot of competition for those photos to end up on Explore pages to your target audience.

Instead, opt to use a mix of low to medium volume hashtags, so there’s less competition and a higher change of ranking.

No hashtag strategy is one-size-fits-all – so you will have to work out if hashtag volume affects the reach of your posts with trail and error.

This list is not only broken down by different travel photography niches, but also by hashtag volume so that it’s easier to identify which hashtag ideas are more useful to you!

Number of Hashtags Per Post

The other factor to remember is how many hashtags to use per post. There’s no clear idea from Instagram about what the algorithm prefers – whether you use ten hashtags or the maximum amount of 30.

I always think using the maximum amount of 30 hashtags on a post is a good idea because it’s 30 different chances to have your photo put out in front of your audience!

*UPDATE NOVEMBER 2021: Instagram has released interesting details when it comes to hashtag strategy and the number of hashtags you use per post. They say use 3-5 per post; whether you actually use 3-5 is up to you, but what they are really sharing is that they want hashtags to be relevant – not just 30 random hashtags that are not super relevant to the content.

Now that we’ve covered some exciting strategy information, let’s jump into the list of over 100 travel photography hashtag ideas!

The list is broken down into categories, like city photography or nature photography, to help target exactly the audience who would like your work – those are the people who will want to follow you anyways! Some are more popular travel hashtags, while others are more niche specific.

If your niche doesn’t fall completely within travel photography or you feel it may overlap with other travel-related hashtags, then check out over 200 travel hashtag ideas – everything from solo to seasonal to girl’s travel hashtags.

General Hashtags for Travel Photos

Under 100,000 Posts

  • #globaltravelpix
  • #awesome_photographer
  • #createandcapture
  • #travelphotographersociety
  • #travelphotographylovers

Under 500,000 Posts

  • #globetravel
  • #wandertheworld
  • #gglocalgems
  • #travelwithfathom
  • #raysoflight
  • #awesome_phototrip
  • #fantastic_earthpix
  • #travel_drops_
  • #travel_capture
  • #dreamdestination
  • #travelphotographyoftheday
  • #earthvacations
  • #globeshotz
  • #shotsdelight

Under 1 Million Posts

  • #hellofrom
  • #amazingviews
  • #instravel
  • #ig_fotogramers
  • #earthexperience
  • #visualgrams

Over 1 Million Posts

  • #travel_drops
  • #travel_captures

Travel Photography Hashtags for Features

Under 100,000 Posts

  • #hello_cities

Under 500,000 Posts

  • #placesoftheworld
  • #amazing_captures
  • #roamearth
  • #getlostnow
  • #wowplacestogo
  • #travelpicsdaily
  • #divine_worldplaces

Under 1 Million Posts

  • #speechlessplaces

Over 1 Million Posts

  • #visualsofearth
  • #hello_worldpics

Travel Photography Hashtags for City & Architecture

Under 100,000 Posts

  • #villagesmypassion
  • #amazingvillages
  • #theworldfromawindow
  • #somewhereiwouldliketolive
  • #hello_cities
  • #cityexplorers

Under 500,000 Posts

  • #justtravel
  • #bitsofbuildings
  • #cityexplorer
  • #cityexplore
  • #mybestcityshots
  • #citysquad

Under 1 Million Posts

  • #streetgrammers
  • #urbanstreet
  • #lensculturestreet

Over 1 Million Posts

  • #theprettycities
  • #archidaily
  • #lensculturestreets
  • #capturestreets
  • #architecturelover
  • #street_vision
  • #streetmagazine

Travel Photography Hashtags for Landscapes

Under 100,000 Posts

  • #earthimage
  • #landscapephotographymagazine
  • #landscapeloversofinstagram

Under 500,000 Posts

  • #beautifullandscapes
  • #nomadict
  • #nature_addict
  • #natureisawesome
  • #welcometonature
  • #lensloves_nature

Under 1 Million Posts

  • #landscapephotomag
  • #landscapephotographer
  • #landscapeshot
  • #earthlandscape

Over 1 Million Posts

  • #landscapelover
  • #landscapecaptures
  • #landscapephoto
  • #naturephotographer
  • #natureshot
  • #naturephotos

Travel Photography Hashtags for Drone Photography

Under 100,000 Posts

  • #dronefpv
  • #dronezone
  • #droneday
  • #dronewise
  • #dronelover

Under 500,000 Posts

  • #droneglobe
  • #dronevideos
  • #droneworld
  • #dronedaily
  • #dronejunkie
  • #dronepointofview
  • #dronelove
  • #dronenature
  • #dronepics
  • #dronedesire

Under 1 Million Posts

  • #droneofficial
  • #dronepic
  • #droneshot

Over 1 Million Posts

  • #dronephotography
  • #dronestagram
  • #droneshots
  • #dronephoto

What Else You Can Do To Improve Your Hashtag Strategy

Oftentimes, one photo may be discovered on a popular page or featured page, but what keeps people interested and makes them hit the follow button is overall uniqueness, creative consistency, and impactful edits.

One other thing I wanted to note about growing a travel photography following on Instagram is having a super strong style. It’s one of the common themes between photographers who have blown up on Instagram, like Alen Palander or Brandon Woelful.

Whether it’s the angle you always shoot from or your specific style of editing, keeping it consistent and strong gives your photography an edge. People are attracted to the brand and identity that you are creating.

If you always post golden hour shots, people who like golden hour photography will identify with your grid. If you post more randomly – some city shots, a photo of a deer, then a portrait photo – people won’t really know how to relate or identify with your content.

Like in blogging or general marketing, the best following you can get is from an engaged audience. No one cares how many followers you have if you don’t actually engage people with your content. That’s why you can reach your target audience with hashtags, but keep them following you with your overall work.

Search for related hashtags to make it easier to build a hashtag bank. When you go to a hashtag’s page, look around on the top photos and note the other hashtags creators are using.

Final Thoughts

Of course, we all wish we could know everything that goes on within the Instagram algorithm. We’d have all the keys to success! I’ve had my own struggles with identifying what works and what doesn’t.

A photo that you love and you think will break the internet might be a total flop. The important thing is to keep going, posting consistently, and going through trial and error processes to see what hashtags and combination of hashtags work for you!

Whatever you do on your journey to growing your Instagram and getting your work noticed – don’t give up!

Save these hashtags for travel photography on Pinterest or sign up for access to the master list so you always have ideas on hand!

I hope this list of hashtags will save you time and help you get your work noticed! Let me know in a comment if you have any favorite hashtags or you learned of a good one from this list!




Michela is a travel writer and photographer living in northern Italy. She is passionate about helping people make the most of their travels by sharing advice gained from her personal experiences, off-the-beaten-path destinations and time-saving quick itineraries. Browse her top articles or have her help you plan your itinerary to your dream destination!

Find me on: Web | Instagram

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